It’s the most wonderful time of the year—IPL Yuletide Celebration tickets go on sale today! To celebrate this momentous occasion, Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra (ISO) and Indianapolis Power & Light Company (IPL) are teaming up to give you the opportunity to win two free IPL Yuletide Celebration tickets for the 30th anniversary celebration.

Imported ImageWhy you want to enter: This year's performance will feature beloved host, Sandi Patty, as she joins Jack Everly, the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, and a cast of Broadway's best singers and dancers to celebrate 30 years of being Indiana's greatest holiday tradition. Back by popular demand, the 2015 performance will also feature numbers from Disney's Frozen, including "Let it Go" and "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?"

How to enter: Today through Thursday, September 24, the ISO and IPL will provide daily riddles and photos on their social media accounts (@Indy_Symphony and @IPLpower) that contain information about where the tickets will be located on Monument Circle. Follow the clues on their social media accounts and tthe first person to find them wins the free pair.

Make sure to follow the hashtag #IPLyuletide so you don’t miss a post and your chance to take part in this fun scavenger hunt.

Guest post authored by Indianapolis Power & Light Company’s social media community manager Claire Dalton.