2016 has been a year to celebrate in Indiana. From the 100th running of the Indianapolis 500 to the state’s bicentennial birthday and now, to honor The Indianapolis Foundation’s 100th anniversary, the Circle City will shine brighter than ever.
For two nights, August 26 and 27, Indianapolis will light up like never before with IN Light IN, an interactive summer light festival. The event will feature work from more than 20 artists and performers that will illuminate the downtown area from the canal to the Cultural Trail.
In addition to the artist installations and exhibits, other activities include music performances, movie and night paddle boat rentals on the canal. The event runs from 8:52 pm – 1:02 am both nights with plenty of food and drink options to keep you going all night long.
Here are five spots you won’t want to miss:
Scottish Rite Cathedral
Brooklyn, NY based artist collective YesYesNo will transform one of Indy’s historic landmarks into an interactive playground with Night Lights/Funky Forms. You become a part of the Cathedral’s iconic architecture as your body and hand movements are projected across the building.
Zesco.com Parking Lot
Daily Tous Les Jours of Montreal, Québec has something cool cooking in the Zesco.com parking lot. McLarena, the interactive installation that encourages attendees to imitate a dance sequence on the building’s façade, will be making its U.S. debut there.
Downtown Canal
Indianapolis based fashion designers are partnering with PATTERN to turn the Canal into a roving fashion showcase featuring light-based couture.
Bethel A.M.E
Tiffany Carbnoneau and Susanna Crum of Louisville, KY will shine some light on Indianapolis’ oldest African American church with a site-specific video projection onto the 147-year-old building to celebrate it’s important place in history.
Vermont Street Plaza
Also along the canal, the coral reef community will be honored by with The Illuminated Reef by BareBones Productions and The Illuminated Reef Collective.
LEDs and the magic of black lighting, in combination with fluorescent paints and materials, will illuminate paper lanterns as well as various sculptural elements built of new, discarded and repurposed materials to represent the seascape life.