In The Florida Project, a gang of mischievous children make their purple motel a playground to escape the pains of poverty. Six year old Moonee lives with her rebellious mother who goes to extreme lengths to provide for her daughter. On summer break, Moonee and her friends run around their street down by Disneyworld, making an adventure out of every day. As the story progresses, Moonee’s world becomes more tained by the influence of her mother.
This film offers captivating visuals with Florida’s brightly colored buildings. The clean cinematography compliments the funny and touching story. Brooklynn Prince (Moonee) portrays humor and drama perfectly and Willem Dafoe gives a compelling performance as the motel’s manager who can't help getting involved in Moonee’s life. The Florida Project keeps viewers on the edge of their seat with entertaining twists and turns.
The Florida Project mixes the realism of debilitating poverty with the fantastical mind of a child. Heart-wrenching with brilliant performances by the child actors, The Florida Project will leave you thoughtful. For an entertaining story you've never seen on screen, see The Florida Project in select theaters now.
To learn more about The Florida Project, visit here.
To learn more about the Heartland Film Festival, visit here.