Imported ImageI often boast about what I love most about my job: when the Visit Indy team does well it means that the 74,000+ people in the local hospitality industry get to work. It feels good to knowing your work positively impacts others.

That feeling is, of course, not unique to my work. There are hundreds of non-profits that roll up their sleeves every day to deal with difficult problems ranging from literacy to autism to homelessness and much more. These brave organizations aren't in it for the money, but rather the feeling that comes with altering the trajectory of someone else's life. None of these organizations have the funding or resources to do it all by themselves. Instead, they depend on volunteers to elevate their mission and achieve goals.

Finding the right person to match the right cause is a challenge. Enter IndyVolved, a matchmaking event allowing those with a heart for making a difference to shop the causes that need their help. If you are ready to get off the sidelines and get involved, I invite you to attend IndyVolved 13. Over 100 non-profits will be in attendance so you can count on finding something to stoke your interest.

Event Details:

  • June 14, 6-8:30 pm
  • Central Library, 40 E St. Clair St.
  • Food and drink available onsite

IndyVolvedIndyVolved wouldn't be possible if not for the vision of IndyHub, who works to make meaningful connections between 20- and 30-somethings and the city they call home. If you're new to Indy or are ready to move from civic spectator to participant, you are encouraged to attend one of their many year-round events. Through them, you can connect to people and experiences that are certain to enrich your Indy experience.